LinkedIn – How to get 8,000,000 contacts today

While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is making mistakes and becoming superior.  (Link)

The best attempt at social business computer networking is . 

You will be asked for the standard personal information.  You can also put in a lot more information about yourself.  You can choose the level of information you allow out.

They will also ask if you want to check your email list for people already on LinkedIn.  This is not an attempt to steal your list.  They will check your email addresses to see who else is using LinkedIn.  Then they give you the option of connecting to people already in the network.  You can also send invitations to people not yet in the network.

I am directly connected to 700 people. Several people I am connected to have over 5000 connections. When you sign in, send a request to join your network to . I’m all for it.

I can keyword search through 8,615,000 people using contact information keywords. Those are people within three network steps of me.  For instance, the other day I needed a recruiter in Charlotte, NC.  I found two.  I sent requests to my contacts to be connected to them.  Permission was granted and we had a chance to talk.

If you want to find someone who works at XYZ company in Fairfax, VA, give it a shot.  This is one way to start your network while job searching or career building in your own company. 

Give it a try.  It is free, or you can pay for upgrades. See how many people you can reach by just linking to me.


Something To Do Today

Try out .  Once you sign up, send a connection request to join my network at .

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