The best advice for job hunting in a recession is to not go job hunting. That’s not always going to be an option.
Unemployment has been near record lows for the last several years. The quit rate (leaving a job without another lined up) was near record highs at the same time. Is this going to turn into a recession? Maybe. We’ll find out over the next six months. That’s not what I know.
What I do know, is how to job hunt in recessions and panics like this.
- Try to find jobs where someone quit or was fired so there is an active, painful gap in the company
- Avoid openings that are looking for expansion, or are always open like a general low-level sales position

It’s not necessarily bad to look for expansion positions or the like. However, they *will* waste your time if they’re not actively hiring. They might set up a couple interviews just to keep you warm and never hire you. If you’re truly an amazing candidate, they may still hire you.
Additionally, budget cuts and savings are going to be especially attractive on a resume for obvious reasons. Anything you have (even minor) in regards to that should be on your resume.
Last thing: Be prepared for things like background checks. Employers get far more nervous during a recession. This is doubly true when they’re not able to do in person interviews due to something like COVID19 shutting everything down. Employers want to be protected from a bad hire as much as possible.
Something To Do Today
Prove that you’re the best value for their buck. What shows that you would save them money compared to another candidate? Put that front and center on your resume.