Tag Archives: before you leave

Inventing your next job, not your next rut

Right now half of the people in the US workforce are seriously considering changing their jobs.  Look at your coworkers.  Half of them want to leave. If you are in one of the best companies in the world, the number is still 10% – 20%.  One GE executive announced he is leaving for a new job that will pay $100M.  He was one of their very top executives.  What about your company?  Which of the executives are ready to leave. Why?

More money.  Everyone wants more money.

What else? Before you leave, you have to decide what you want. After you spend the weekend dreaming and writing down what you want, it is time to invent your next job.

Other than money, what does your list of dreams show you value? Do you really want more family time, more challenge, more accomplishment, education, a real team environment or more time for fishing?  Look at your list of dreams and figure out what the underlying needs are. Not just what do you want today, but what need underlies that.

Underneath your list of dreams write down what really needs to change.

When you make the list of underlying changes you really want, also write down other “out of the rut” solutions to the problem.  What jobs, careers or hobbies would fix your problem?  Be sure the career change you are fighting for won’t stick you back in the same old rut in someone else’s driveway.  I’m always amazed at the number of careers that can be fixed by telling your boss, “You had better prioritize what you want me to do, because I will no longer work more than 50 hours each week.”

Look at those underlying changes you need.  Can you make them happen at your present job?  If not, time to change. List the jobs you would like that not only get you out of your current office, but fix the real problems.  Make sure that your new job is not just another rut.  Otherwise, you’ll be in that 50% looking to change jobs next year too.

To invent the job you need, you first have to know what you really need.

Something to do today

Make that list of underlying needs and add 20 ways to fulfill them.  Often you can invent the job you want while you are filling out the list.  At the very least this should help keep you from falling into the same old rut.


Religion, politics, sexuality and job hunting – suicide or the sweet spot?