The most amazing place to work for another person, may not be yours.
Ron has absolutely, positively and without a doubt overstayed his current job. He has finally admitted it to himself, so he called me. He will be sending me his resume this week. I also asked him to talk to his current boss and let him know the situation. His current boss may be able to move him to a job that will completely solve his problem.
This revelation came indirectly from his boss. Ron has been living 800 miles away from his home. It’s a great opportunity. The money is good. He likes the job and who he works for. The revelation came when he was told, “It’s time for you to sell your home and move the whole family up here.”
Ron realized he would NOT reapply for the job he has. He doesn’t want to move. At first it seemed like a good idea, but things have changed. He doesn’t want to live in the city he is working in anymore.
Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else. (James Barrie)
Is it time for you to leave your job? Ask these two questions:
- Would I apply for any job at my current company?
- Would I apply for my current job?
If you are in the wrong company, start your job search today.
If your company is fine but your job is bad, talk to your boss. Network within your company. See if there is a better job within. Also start looking outside the company. Even if you stay with your company, it will open your eyes to how good or bad you really have it.
If you wouldn’t apply for your current job, it is absolutely positively time to leave.
Something To Do Today
In your job journal answer those two questions. Give 5 reasons why you answered each one “yes” or “no”. Writing it down will help clarify your thinking.
Next: Mental hygiene
Cover letter anesthesia