Tag Archives: pick your targets

Overcome real career problems by using this weakling’s plan

In The Millionaire Mind the success of many German aces is credited to a flyer who had a weak arm, “Paule” Rossmann.  In the days before modern airplanes, brute strength often determined whether fighter pilots stayed in the air or were shot down.  Rossmann had a weak arm and decided he preferred life to a glorious death.  He decided to carefully pick his targets and opportunities instead of going into testosterone charged death matches.  That pilot had over 80 kills because he only attacked when all the odds were in his favor.

The plan is simple. Study things out. Get above your target.  Make sure the odds are in your favor.  Wait a little bit if you have to.  Then commit everything you have to win the day.

You need to do the same thing as Rossman.  Become a student of success in your field.  If you want to be a great technician, salesman, manager or CEO you need to study people who are performing better than you.  Why were they given opportunities or promoted?

I am often told, “I can’t get promoted because I refuse to play politics.”

If that is how you feel, you are welcome to your injured pride.  You may NOT be able to succeed where you are.  So quit and get a new job.  If you have had 3 or 4 jobs and you always have the same problem, look at yourself.  In all likelihood you are the problem.

Take some time to honestly evaluate why you don’t succeed. Are you playing to a weakness?  Do other people REALLY outperform you.  Are you guilty of taking on yourself ALL the jobs no one else wants?  Have you positioned yourself to lose?

If you are not sure what the problem is, time to swallow your pride.  Call up some of your old bosses.  Now that time has passed, ask for their help.  Tell them you have come to realize that you have some problems.  Humbly ask them, “You were my boss.  What keeps me from succeeding the way I could?”  Then just listen.  Take notes.  Swallow your pride.

Asking your old bosses for help even works for wildly successful people.

The idea is simple.  Study things out. Get above your problems.  Make sure you know what you do well and compensate for what you do poorly.  Wait a little bit as you get prepared. The re-commit everything you have to win the day.

Something to do today

Only do this if you recover quickly from sharp criticism!

Do you have a boss that hated you years ago?  How about one that loved you?  Call them both and humbly ask for their help.  Tell them you need perspective.  Write down what they say.  Meekly say thank you at the end of the conversation.


Tomorrow:     Another ace who learned

Later:              My former boss is killing me