Get a job by using a cockroach’s friends

To stop a giant cockroach from leaving the earth, one of the heroes in Men In Black steps on some earth sized bugs. They are relatives of the big one.  The giant one comes back down and “engages” the hero.  “Hiring managers are like giant cockroaches. They just want to hide in their offices and get away from you.”

If you can get a relative, friend or recruiter to help you, you multiply your chances of getting a job instead of a rejection from that hiring manager.

Let’s start the way we did last time.  First, make sure you want the job and that you are a decent fit.  You can only use friends and relatives two or three times.  They are the big guns to use when you really are well qualified and motivated.  If you are not qualified for the job, just send a resume through Monster. That way it only takes you 10 seconds to send it and the computer will delete it for them.  Relatives and friends are too important to over use. A recruiter won’t let you overuse him, so use recruiters as heavily as you can.

Once you identify the job you would be excellent for, you need to figure out a plan of attack.

First: who really respects you that can help?  A recruiter who respects you is a much better reference than a brother who thinks you would bomb.  The person who you know directly will hand your resume to someone you don’t know.  The enthusiasm that is passed on with your resume is the big advantage you get from a friend, relative, or recruiter handing over your resume.

Second:  figure out the final target who will be given your resume. Particularly if your friend works there or is a recruiter, they will have several options.  If possible have them give it directly to the hiring manager or his boss.  If you cannot get it directly to someone making the decision, figure out who else it will be given to.  Just handing your resume to the HR department may do nothing for you in a huge company.

Third: follow up.  If you know the hiring manager or his boss got your resume, give them a quick call to verify they got it and see if they have any questions.  You may only get their secretary, but you can still ask her if she has any questions.  This is where you can reinforce your advantage.  If a recruiter handed in your resume, ask the recruiter to follow up, and then you can follow up with the recruiter to ask what the manager thought.

Using a friend, relative or recruiter can get your resume put on the top of the pile of applicants.  It will not guarantee you a job, but it will sure help you get an interview.

Use friends, relatives, and recruiters when you are prepared and the stakes are high.  That is the best way to get a cockroaches attention.

Something to do today

Networking time.  Identify the 5 companies and jobs you best fit and most want to fill.  Start asking people you know, who they know who works there.  You can invite that stranger to lunch with your friend.  Scary? That’s okay.  Invite them out to lunch anyway. With the friend along it will be more comfortable.


Later: Job hunt like a kid

Fingerprint locks and getting hired

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