In preparing for battle I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable. (Dwight Eisenhower)
When it was critical
The hottest technology in 2008 was the iPhone. It was simply a small computer with cell phone reception. Its rise was carefully planned. The most significant pieces of the plan included a snazzy look, rugged portability, and simple secure paid download of music. Apple, the creator, had a plan to continue making money forever.
Here is where career plans worked
2008 was the perfect time for Apple’s hottest talent to abandon their jobs with the iPhone division. 2008 was also the time for Apple’s best job security conscious talent to move in and take over. Why? Because it was obvious the market would be buying upgrades to iPhones forever. The iPhone was becoming a top-end commodity, but a commodity. The music distribution system was ahead but developing strong competitors.
iPhone is no longer innovative genius. It is now a cash cow. iPod and iTunes are no longer what the bold innovators want to be working on. They need a new challenge. iPod and iPhone are now the perfect product for the long term managers.
The single critical component in your career plan
Your career plan will be a rousing success if you focus on your personal growth curve. Do you treasure security? Do you want to innovate and take outrageous chances for outrageous reward? Do you really want technical challenge? Is your goal to make enough money, but have a lot of free time for your skiing?
When you know what you want, you can plan your career successfully. However, what you want will change time and time again. So you need to be prepared to change your career plan as you see changes beginning in yourself. Your personal growth curve will tell you how fast you are getting to where you want to be in your career.
Career plans work
They work when they are reviewed every year. They work when you review your real personal desires at the same time.
Tomorrow I’ll talk about the “personal growth curve.” You have to understand it in order grow as fast as possible.
Something To Do Today
This week will be a great time to review your career plan. Today you need to start writing down what you really want.
Tomorrow: Your personal growth curve
Later: Useful career plans
What is “the next big thing”?
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