Category Archives: Networking

LinkedIn – How to get 8,000,000 contacts today

While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is making mistakes and becoming superior.  (Link)

The best attempt at social business computer networking is . 

You will be asked for the standard personal information.  You can also put in a lot more information about yourself.  You can choose the level of information you allow out.

They will also ask if you want to check your email list for people already on LinkedIn.  This is not an attempt to steal your list.  They will check your email addresses to see who else is using LinkedIn.  Then they give you the option of connecting to people already in the network.  You can also send invitations to people not yet in the network.

I am directly connected to 700 people. Several people I am connected to have over 5000 connections. When you sign in, send a request to join your network to . I’m all for it.

I can keyword search through 8,615,000 people using contact information keywords. Those are people within three network steps of me.  For instance, the other day I needed a recruiter in Charlotte, NC.  I found two.  I sent requests to my contacts to be connected to them.  Permission was granted and we had a chance to talk.

If you want to find someone who works at XYZ company in Fairfax, VA, give it a shot.  This is one way to start your network while job searching or career building in your own company. 

Give it a try.  It is free, or you can pay for upgrades. See how many people you can reach by just linking to me.


Something To Do Today

Try out .  Once you sign up, send a connection request to join my network at .

How to get an impossible job – tips from a spy

This is an open letter to my son.  He is brilliant.  He also just got turned down for every graduate program he wanted to attend this fall.  This deals precisely with job hunting.

So you didn’t get into any of the schools.  Good thing we had a spy to tell us what NONE of the professors would. 

Yes, I know your professors say that your major is different.  They told you admission is based on logic.  The schools use a magical system of weights and balances that tell them which are the top students.

That is a bunch of hogwash, codswallop, and honey bucket leavings.

Our spy, the stinking department secretary in the Engineering College, was absolutely right.  If the Engineering College ONLY allows graduate students that have a professor request them, what makes you think your major is different?  Come on.  Engineers are more into systems, processes, and repeatable human interactions than any mathematician.

That spy was right.  No one will tell you the REAL reason you didn’t get chosen. You have to get a reputation.  You have to be a known quantity.

Your first big mistake was believing your professors, your old bosses.  They said they make logical decisions.  Baloney. Our spy said they always say that, they probably believe it, and they always lie. Okay, not lie, they make a mistake and mis-state the truth.

If there are 100 applicants for 10 openings, at least 30 of those applicants would do very well.  And if you ranked everyone logically, I would wager our house against a steak dinner that 2 of the 10 best applicants will be in the bottom half of the logically sorted pool.

Einstein was one of those guys who sorted below the 50% mark.  He only got to where he was because he studied outside the university system.

Oppenheimer, the guy who ran the Manhattan Project, only got where he was in life by influence.  Wikipedia says “In his first year as an undergraduate at Harvard, Oppenheimer was admitted to graduate standing in physics on the basis of independent study. As an undergraduate he never took a class in physics.” He was clumsy in the laboratory. In grad school he seriously tried to kill a professor, but was caught and failed.  He stayed in grad school anyway because of personal influence.  And now he is revered.  Funny thing.

Seriously.  I think you are brilliant.  I think you will be phenomenal in your chosen field.  So here is a plan for the coming year.

Like Oppenheimer and Einstein, use the coming year for independent study.  Slow down.  Do not graduate if it will get you away from your professors.  Finish all the courses but say you want to complete a minor or second major, so if a great opportunity comes up you can just file the right papers and graduate while you are living at MIT or Stanford.  

Ask your professors to help you pick an area of study that 2 or 3 of your most coveted professors specialize in.  Then act like you are a professor already.  Spend the year reading, studying, interacting with the best in your field.  As a matter of fact, if you want to get into the top program in the country, you might want to plan on 2-3 years of study.  You can get a PhD level of education without ever attending graduate classes.

Okay that last sentence demands an example.  Dinosaur Jim at the BYU geology department.  No university education.  High school graduate. He got a job cooking and camp bossing for the geology department at Harvard.  He picked the brains of the students and professors when they came in from the field after he fed them and cleaned up.  He was out in the field at the most intriguing fossil sites in the world.  So he went out and helped.  He discovered the first reptile fossils in Antarctica.  Year after year he made new significant discoveries.  Finally he was awarded an honorary doctorate.  BYU built him his own building to work in.  He was the only geology professor at BYU that did not regularly teach classes.

Oh yes, another story.  I knew a guy who wanted to be in vertebrate paleontology, Dinosaur Jim’s specialty. Graduate admittance is incredibly competitive because the only jobs are as professors.  So this guy spent a year as Dinosaur Jim’s lab assistant for free, boiling the meat off the bones of dead animals. It worked.

Haunt the forums and conferences.  If you can’t afford to go to the conferences, get someone to record them.  Send comments to the presenters BEFORE the conference as well as after.  Act like the colleague of the guys you want to study with.  That is what Einstein did.

Don’t just focus on your small target.  Correspond with others who are influential in the field.  Offer to help with papers, etc.  Be prepared to move to a university to help out a professor if he accepts your offer.  Figure out how to help and get no credit.  Believe me, you’ll get plenty of credit eventually.

There is no flattery as deeply penetrating as rapt attention.  Send questions.  Champion the work of the guys you want to work with.  Get deeply involved over the coming year or two.  Become a professor sans portfolio.

Put that overachieving brain of yours to work.  Go and read the book “Outliers”.  Re-read “Carry On, Mr. Bowditch”. And if you have some free time, read “Einstein” by Walter Isaacson.

Love you,


Blog networking for a job

There are 6 billion people.  If you passionately care about something, someone else will too.  Find them and you have a network.

This is either a metaphor or a call to action.  You can either use the idea of blogs to create a non-computer network, or you can start your own blog.

Personal networks are all about passing around useful information.  Weblogs can help you share information and build a personal network.  For a weblog to work you have to make a commitment to find or compile information to share.  Same thing with a personal non-computer network.

One way a blog (weblog) is rated is by the number of times it is cited by other blogs.  It is cited in other blogs because it is interesting. What can you find out on the internet that other people want to know?  Is there something personal about you that would interest other people?  Do you know something other people really want to know?  Will that information be passed to someone else like a viral video?

What do you know that is interesting?  What is new or hot?  What can give someone else a jump on their competition? 

If you know something useful, tell everyone who can use it. Do it daily, weekly, or monthly. That is how to make your personal network worthwhile.  That is also what makes a blog worthwhile.

Sharing useful news is the highest form or networking.  What can you find that will be useful to all the managers who could hire you?  Send it to them even if they don’t have a job for you.  Networking is about helping, not taking.


Something To Do Today

My blogs are and .  I give free seminars regularly.  I share what I know. 

How can you put things you know into the hands of people who want to know it?  Who can you help?  That is networking.

My 30 second commercial

The greatest tool for your job search is an enthusiastic desire to help.

I was talking to a local TV station manager.  He asked, “How would you like to stand in the middle of the biggest stadium in Pennsylvania and tell everyone there about your product?  That’s what a 30 second ad on my station is like.”  Later he added, “You’d plan your speech well, wouldn’t you?”

Have you been telling a lot of people how good you are and getting no response?  Maybe you need to work on your speech.  Turn it into your 30 second commercial.

The biggest mistake most job seekers make is they start by saying, “I really need a job.  Can you help me?”  Why would that make a manager want to hire you?  You just asked him to give you money he needs for other things.

He’ll hire you if you can solve his problems, make his life easier, or earn him money.

He’ll hire you even if he doesn’t have an opening right now.

Sit down with a piece of paper and write each job type you are applying for.  Leave lots of space between jobs.  Under each job write what problems you can solve for the hiring manager.  Next write how you can make his job easier. Finally put down how much money you can make him in new income or save him in expenses. Would you pay someone to do those things?  Give examples of what you did in the past.  Real examples.

Did you only write what duties you want?  I hope not.   If you wrote, “I can take care of the computers,” that isn’t enough.  Add, “I cut computer downtime in half at my last job.”  In addition to, “Do help desk duties,” write, “As second level help desk technician I cleared up all incoming calls in an average of 20 minutes per call.”

Can you write down accomplishments instead of duties?  What have you done?  How have you helped in the past?  Where have you saved money at your last job?  Did you figure out how to save time for 20 other people?  Did you bring in 20 new customers?  Were you better than anyone else?  Prove it with concrete examples.

For each job you need to write a 30 second personal commercial.  It should not say what you want.  It should say how you can help.  It should show your enthusiasm and your “can do” attitude.  Prove you can do it with examples.  Use that commercial when you are talking to people about your job search.  You’ll get a much better response.


Something To Do Today

Make that list of jobs you are applying for.  List what you can do for the hiring manager.

The right sources of job leads

Knowledge is power and enthusiasm pulls the switch.  (Droke)

Only 6 2 % of workers found their current jobs on the internet according to a 2005 survey. That may be up to 10% in 2009.  The 4 biggest internet job boards only filled 2 2 % of the jobs says the Wall Street Journal.  That means that company websites, Monster, CareerBuilder and Google should only be the start of your job search.

About 17% of jobs are filled by recruiters in agencies.  Better than the internet, but where else can you look?  A whopping 70% of jobs are filled by networking.  The rest are filled by newspaper ads, radio, TV, schools, etc.

The internet is a great place to find companies that may want to hire you.  But, don’t just look for perfect jobs already listed.  Look for companies that could use your skills.  Then network your way in to the 70% of jobs that never make it to a company website or internet job board.

If you were a manager, would you like to hire someone recommended to you by your top engineer?  Sure!  So make a list of companies that could use your skills.  Then put your networking list beside it.  Your networking list should include agency recruiters you trust to help you with their 17% of the jobs.  Who in your network knows someone in those companies? 

Now, call up those people and ask them what they know about XYZ company.  What have they heard?  Do they know someone working there?  Does that person like it there?  Can you call the person at that company to see what they have to say?  Can they forward your resume?

One other way to talk to the right person at a company is to call in and ask.  Ask the receptionist, “Who is in charge of programming?”  Sometimes you’ll get that manager.  Often you’ll be put through to Human Resources (HR).  That’s fine.  Send them your resume.  Just remember, HR is the last to know when there is an opening.  So ask for the manager of the area you want to talk to first.  You may get lucky.

Use your 30 second commercial when you talk to HR or a hiring manager.  What’s a 30 second commercial?  I guess we had better cover that tomorrow.

The other thing you can do is to network for information, giving and getting.  That will have to be another day.


Something To Do Today

Remember that networking list?  Better take a look at that again.  Contact three people you want to network with.  Do it today.

Giving your way into a job

Life is a great big canvas; throw all the paint on it you can. (Kaye)

Do you know how hard it is to get an administrative job with a symphony orchestra? 

A symphony administrator told me how to do it.  A woman called him and asked for a job.  He said, “I can’t hire you, there is no budget.”

That’s not the end of the story.  She said, “I’ll work for you for free.”  It was a wage he could afford.  She did a great job for 3 months and went back to school.  What do you think will happen when she applies for her next job and has experience and great references? 

You can’t afford to work for free.  Not forever, anyway.  Can you do it for a few hours or days?  Over the weekend?  Helping people out of a bind is a great way to network your way into a job.  They will feel compelled to let others know how much you helped them.  In the programming and computer networking field it is a very common way to work yourself into a company.

I can point to specific examples where this worked for accountants, secretaries, company presidents, salespeople, office managers and more.  These were jobs worth anywhere from $6/hour to $250,000/year. These people all helped someone who mentioned they were snowed under with work.  After a few hours they offered to come in the next day.  After 2 days they said they would help out the next weekend.  The boss, owner or chairman of the board heard about it and hired the person.

If you are unemployed, what’s the damage?  If you have a job, why not spend some of your evening and weekend time helping out with something you don’t normally do?  I know people who got promoted because they came in a few extra hours to their regular job to help their boss out on the boss’s project.


Something To Do Today

Do you know someone who needs help?  Seize the opportunity.  Go on in and see if you can help.

Tomorrow:      Giving 30 seconds away can get you a job too

Two ways to Robo-Network

Do you want to be known as the person who can solve any problem?

Then go to where people with problems are: online.  I assume you are an expert at your profession.  Go online and find an online forum where you can contribute.  You can ask your co-workers and teachers what online forums they suggest.  I just did a Google search on “Sarbanes Oxley audit forums” and got a very specialized list of forums.  Spend a few hours getting to know your forum and its tone, then hop right in and offer some help. 

Did you know there are recruiters and researchers that specialize in finding smart people in online forums?  They do it for accountants, programmers, truckers, pilots and a lot more occupations.  More important, the people who rely on the forum often let others know where jobs are.  Generally they take the conversation offline, where others are not involved.  That’s why you don’t see it. 

So let’s say you let slip that you are from Harrisburg, PA.  Someone else says they are from York, PA.  You send an email outside the system to that person and place each other in your network.

Want to extend this?  Add people who give you their business card at a class.  For all the people you have in your network, keep two email address lists.  One for the occasional, “How are you doing,” contact.  Send an email every few months with a little personal update.  Have another email list for the folks you want in your close network.  Find a reason to email them more often.  It could be with a note about something you saw in an online forum you want to make sure they noticed.  Make sure both lists know when you are looking for a job.

Two ways to Robo-network:  Contribute to online forums and make email lists to keep people in your network.   


Something To Do Today

Find an online forum about your expertise.  Help someone there with an answer they need.

Tomorrow:      Giving your way into a job.  It’s beginning to sound like Christmas.

Forget lunch. Other ways to network

Most of the people you see every day you will not invite to lunch.  I know that.  So now what do you do?

At the office lunchroom, at church, at association meetings, before and after business meetings, at classes, waiting for the bus, at technology events, business fairs and anywhere else people are doing what you are doing, network.  Talk to teachers especially.  They have contacts with people in every business and class they teach.  Search out salespeople.  They spend their whole day getting to know decision makers.  Give a salesperson a lead and they will do their best to help you.   

Everyone you meet knows someone else.  Get in the habit of talking to people.  It is always a little frightening.  One of the most outgoing people I know told me, “People say they wish they could be like me and just say hello to strangers.  What they don’t realize is that it is also hard for me to do it.  I just force myself to say hello and a conversation usually follows.”

Back to the old formula, talk with a person about their successes, then ask them for advice.  The absolute greatest book ever written on the subject of engaging people in conversation is How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie.  It is written in small segments so you can read and apply one lesson a day.  I have re-read the book several times. 

If you are going to be meeting with people you may never see again, bring business cards.  You can make them on your computer and there are a lot of places on the internet that will make them inexpensively.  Don’t forget your email address as well as phone numbers.

Why business cards? If you are networking with people who have no way to contact you later, you haven’t built much of a network.  Understand that most of your cards will be thrown away within a week, but some will be kept.  My best success has been with magnetic business cards, but they are expensive. 


Something To Do Today

Get a copy of How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie.  Libraries and bookstores all have copies.  Start reading one chapter a day and applying it.

If you don’t have business cards, get them or make them.

Ask him to lunch? Easy for you to say!

Okay girl, you see that babe magnet over there?  Go introduce yourself and ask him to marry you.  Okay? 

Let’s talk about networking, not speed dating.  Don’t ask anyone to be your mentor before you have met.  Don’t ask for a job.  Don’t offer to wash their car.  Just ask them to lunch to discuss some things you think they can help you with.

How can you get a leader of industry to have lunch with you? Ask for their help. Leaders are usually compulsive helpers, organizers and/or control freaks.  When you first call them up have a list of at least 5 things you can ask them or talk to them about.  Have it beforehand because they may start talking to you on the phone or invite you right to their office. 

First, what not to ask:                                   

–    Please be my mentor? — That’s like asking to be married.  A real mentor has to feel comfortable with you.  They’ll take over the role as you go to them for advice.

–    Make me a vice president, please? — This is networking, not a final job interview. 

–    I will do anything, can I be your personal assistant? — This question isn’t networking.  It is only appropriate if you are willing to make a 100% commitment, push and push for a yes, and are willing to work for free.  It is not a way to start a network.  You will probably be turned down even after pushing hard for 20 minutes, but it may be worth a try.  Be willing to accept a total win or becoming a leper.

Good questions to ask:

–    I want to earn a job like yours, what did you do to break out from my level?

–    You’ve seen a hundred guys like me, what do they really do to stand out and succeed?

–    You have a panoramic perspective compared to me, what would you focus on in your career if you were me?

–    You’ve seen people get education and succeed and others get education and fail.  What kind of education will best serve me?

–    You are the best technician I’ve heard of, what can I do differently from the average guy to get the reputation you have?

–    I don’t want to manage, I just want to have my work respected like yours.  How did you break out from the pack and what can I do out of the ordinary to start moving to your level?

–    You know this business.  I want to succeed at it, but I sometimes worry that I’m attacking it wrong.  What would you do if you were me?

Do you get the idea?  Compliment them by telling them what they have done better than you, then, ask them to tell you how to do the same starting at your level.


Something To Do Today

Call 3 people you want to network with and say, “I’d like to take you to lunch.  Are you free one day next week?”  If they ask, “Why?” then tell them, “I need some advice from someone I respect.”  And be prepared to go talk with them immediately.

Networking with bigshots

90% of opportunity is seized, and 10% is granted, but I could get fired!!!  And a meteorite could hit you and kill you too.  Carpe diem!

Networking with bigshots

So why did I talk about lunch and leadership yesterday?  Because they are closely related.

I was talking with a sales candidate.  He said, “I have had lunch with every important banking executive in Manhattan.  Not the presidents, but the guys who can get me in to see the president, CIO, CFO, Chairman or whoever I need to see.  They all remember me and will help me.”  That is the ultimate example of power networking.

Why lunch?  At the upper levels it is not a time to eat, it is a time to meet people.  Many big law firms and accounting companies all but require senior partners to have power lunches.  Stop having networking lunches and you will stop progressing in their world.

Here is what you do.  Starting small or big doesn’t matter.  Invite someone to lunch.  You pay.  Take them someplace you can afford.  Tell them where you are going, don’t ask them.  Taco Bell will do. 

What if they say, “No?”  They probably will.  But they will see that you want to get to know them.  Ask 3 people and one will say yes.  The other two will make vague promises about lunching together some other time.  All 3 will notice you and mark you as a person they need to get to know.

Beware! One or two may invite you to come and meet with them in their office for a few minutes.  This is their way of telling you, “Let’s network, I don’t have time for a full lunch right now.”  That’s good.  Just remember what to talk about and what to avoid.

Tomorrow I will tell you what to do and not do at a lunch or one of these office meetings.


Something To Do Today

 Make a list of 10 people you should network with.  Tomorrow you’ll invite 3 to lunch.