Category Archives: References

How to get a great job at your biggest competitor

Jason has had 3 promotions in 2 years.  His pay has gone up 50%.  His attitude is a delight.  If there is a tough job, he’ll rally the team and get the job done.  Jason not only gets the chance to fix disasters, he fixes the problems behind the disasters.  No one has ever done that before.  He is having a huge impact. He seems to whistle a magic tune that improves attitudes and gets unbelievable results.

Jason also just quit.  He took a new job that pays a little less than he earns now.

Two things happened.  First, Jason realized his boss would always be a loose cannon and Jason would always get to clean up. Second, with a boss like that it was obvious the company would never go out of business, but it would never get much bigger either.

The best part is that all the things he got done looked great when he applied for a job.  He applied at their strongest competitor.  Jason is going to a company that is really growing.  It is a company with a plan and a history of doing things right the first time.

Wherever you are, whistle a happy tune.  Put an accomplishment list together that will carry you into a better job, and if necessary, get that job in a better company.

Something to do today

Just for the record, all the stories I tell are true, but the names are changed.

Document your accomplishments for each week.  Give a copy to your boss in a format he can use for his reports.  That way you can be sure he knows why you are the best employee he has.


Later:              Hustle while you wait

The $5 call girl

Where to fish

Thrive in a terrible company – row away slowly when you have to

Tim tells me why he has to leave his current company every couple of months.  Then he says he has to stay.  Leadership is lacking.  The work ethic stinks.  His office only stays alive because it is propped up by corporate headquarters.  He and his boss both know what is wrong.  Tim can’t fix it and the boss won’t fix it.

Tim does have a good reason to stay.  He had five jobs in four years before he took this job.  He wants to make it to the two or even three year mark here to clear up his resume.  If the office lasts that long without being closed, he will stay.

More important than collecting years of service, he is collecting accomplishments.  Tim can prove he produces 2/3 of the output at his office of 6 people.  He has proof that his occasional training of coworkers has had a deep impact.  Tim has numbers.  Tim has projects and accomplishments.  Those numbers look even better because of his unproductive coworkers.

Call on God, but row away from the rocks. (Indian proverb)

This is not a race away from his old job.  Tim is slowly rowing away from the rocks in his career.  He may need a new job tomorrow or in two years.  There is no telling how long corporate will suffer losses cheerfully.  So he is preparing to leave.

If you are in a dead end job, use it as a lifeboat to your next job.  Be the most important person in your office.  Keep track of exactly how good you are.  Slowly row away from the rocks in your lifeboat job.

Something to do today

Whether you plan on it or not, your current job is the boat you are in until your next job.  Collect accomplishments, projects and cheerful statistics.

It is almost the end of the year.  Write your accomplishments in your job journal.  Give a list of them to your manager.  That is the only way to be sure he notices what you do.


Later:              Useful little faults

The millionaire mind

How to be an internal referral instead of just another resume in HR

Internal referrals are the fast track to a job.

Here is a link to how to become a solid internal referral by using LinkedIn and a phone.


6 things about your job search and job security that you can learn from India

People doing business in India have told me how difficult business there can be.  Basic utilities like electricity and water are very unreliable.  The legal system is subject to corruption.  Government regulation depends on your relationship with the bureaucrats, not the rules.  Business partners don’t want to offend you or lose face, so they agree to do things they can’t get done.  Bringing you bad news is avoided at all cost.  Labor costs are low, but people will switch jobs for the slightest increase in pay.  And it goes on and on depending on the city, industry, neighborhood, and your ancestors.

Indian businessmen do incredibly well in the US because they have practice overcoming complex problems. You can learn how to prosper in your job search and job by applying the few basic principles they live by.

These job security, success, and business principles are applicable to accountants, help desk techs, managers, and CEO’s. They especially matter if you are in a job search.  They will give you an incredible advantage in every company you apply at.

  1. Trust others but make sure they are actually accomplishing what they say they will do.  Even experienced partners occasionally screw up.  Have an alternative plan in case things don’t get done on time. Get commitments from recruiters, managers, friends, and anyone you talk to.  Follow up.
  2. Don’t rely on your relationship with one person, like the HR department.  Establish relationships 3 or 4 people deep.  If one leaves or fails, you need the others to keep going forward.
  3. Spend time cultivating people.  Get to know them.  Find out about them personally as well as from business.  It is amazing how often this will give you the leverage you need to succeed. Some of our greatest success as recruiters comes from being friendly, open and honest with the receptionist, as well as with HR and the hiring manager.
  4. Help others constantly.  Go out of your way to encourage, help, and promote others who are growing.  That help will often come back to save you in a crisis. Helping someone else get a job will improve your abilities and give you a strong supporter on the inside of their new company.
  5. Constantly focus on doing things quicker, cheaper, better, and with less people. This alone is the greatest job security guarantor in the USA.  And when you prove you can do it in your resume, you will always be a hot commodity on the job market.
  6. Take time to read, plan, and think.  Americans are terrible at this. Sit down with a sheet of paper and write for 15 minutes or an hour each day. Brainstorm things you can do for your job or job search.

In India it is essential to have multiple layers of preparation.  In America we get by without them.  Americans also often wonder why they got laid off and how they will survive when laid off.  Preparation, getting to know more people, and fearless execution will do more for your earning potential than anything else.

Something to do today

List where you only have one layer of protection.  Then list how you can improve that.


Next:   Interview follow up – get help

50 job hunting tips from recruiters

Need a job? Recruiters see every possible mistake, and some unusually successful ploys.

Here are 50 job hunting tips from good recruiters.

9 whys to ruthlessly exploit yourself

You are not trying to get the job of “minion” or “muscle”.  Don’t pretend that exploiting your life experience is wrong.  It is not the same as shoving a gun in someone’s face and asking for their wallet.

The real reason most people don’t want to exploit their advantages is that they “want to stand on their own two feet”.  It is a lovely macho phrase that means little. Our society, families and personal lives all rest on the shoulders of those who came before us.  Admit that no matter what you do, others have helped you.  Get on with using the advantages that parents, teachers, friends, clergy and God have given you.

Here are some excuses to fail and reasons to exploit a few of your advantages.

  • I will not exploit my family connections to get a job.

Acorns don’t fall far from the tree.  Employers need reliable hires.  Getting someone from a good family is a much better bet than hiring a complete stranger.  If they can’t hire you, but they suggest someone else hire you, they get brownie points from that other person.  They win as much as you do.

  • My friends are too close to my heart for me to ask them for help.

If your friends object to helping you get a job, they don’t trust you with THEIR reputation. If you are going to let them down, you are not a friend.  If they trust you and you will follow through, helping is what builds friendships.

  • I refuse to manipulate their emotions.

People always hire based on emotion.  Always.  Even if no one talks to you and they only give you a paper test, they hire on emotion.  Paper tests are put together based on what people FEEL  will give them the best employee.  Your pay will be based on emotion – how well they FEEL you will do.  Promotions are based on emotion – how do they FEEL you will do in the new job.  Don’t be dishonest.  Don’t be an actor.  Tell the truth simply.  The emotions behind the truth will help you  Use them.

  • Inviting them to lunch is brown nosing and sucking up.

Actually it is called networking.  In many companies senior partners and executives can be fired for not having lunch with enough different people.  They are evaluated on lunch.  Literally.

  • I won’t tell them I left because I was sick.  I don’t want their sympathy.

You are fine now and it is relevant to understand your resume. If it will substantially help you get the job, tell them.  Talk to a couple of job experts and get their opinion. If it will help, exploit it.

  • I want the job, but I don’t feel right pressing them to choose me.

Aaargh! They want to hire the person with the best attitude.  They want the person who will work the hardest.  They want someone who they can promote.  They want someone who is excited. They want to hire the hungriest person. How can they tell that about you unless you keep asking them, “When will you decide?”, and, “When can I start?”

  • It is greedy asking for more money.

If the offer is very good, take it.  Don’t argue.  Otherwise, ask for more money.  If you really are worth it, get the money.  If they pay you more, you will be less likely to leave for another job because of more pay.  They win too.

  • Taking this job to get experience, when I plan to leave later, is wrong.

Hiring and training you does cost money.  Companies that invest that money have already figured out how to profit from it.  They will either give you a raise and promotion, or expect you to leave.  They will make money.  You won’t cost them a thing.

  • I’m a veteran, but it is not fair to use that to get a job.

The leadership, teamwork, calmness under fire, discipline and fortitude veterans develop is uncommon.  Bring it up.

Your life experience makes a difference.  Whatever that experience is.  You need to use it and exploit it.

Something To Do Today

Think about your job search. Just think.  And then take notes about your conclusions.


For 2 weeks:       Zen and the art of getting a job

Monday:              Measure and maul

Later:                    Making a silk purse

Why you aren’t paid what you are worth

A man dying of thirst



Diamond in the rough

Cleat marks up your back

Politics (is networking)

University politics are vicious precisely because the stakes are so small.  (Henry Kissinger)

You have to understand office politics to understand networking.  Here is an example.

“Don’t get Joe in the IT planning office upset.  He can delay any project by 6 months.  Now that I think of it, he can kill any project.  He’s politically connected to everyone in the company.”

Everyone, including the boss, who lets Joe “get away with it” think they are doing what is best for the company.  And they really may be.  Often you don’t see the power struggles at upper levels.  When someone becomes the traffic cop and decides which projects get done and which get delayed, it is because of their networking ability. They know how important each person and project is.  They know the alliances between leaders and departments.  They know who has the “golden” projects that take precedence over all else.  They know what combinations of projects are also essential.  These political “beasts” are the ultimate networkers.

CEO’s cannot take the time to make decisions on every project.  They tell others to make decisions.  Those people, in turn, tell others to make decisions.  Inevitably resources become scarce.  The scarce resources can be clerks, programmers, salespeople, floor space or money.  The person who controls the scarce resources becomes the center of a very strong network.  They have to bow to the will of many people, but control the projects of others.  They are often the most abused figure in a company.  Occasionally they are the most abusive, for a while.

There are several things to learn from these people.

  1. Controlling scarce resources gives you power
  2. Dealing with that power can get you entrenched, promoted or fired
  3. You always control one scarce resource, your time

The first two have just been discussed.  The third point is fodder for several more days. Politics may get ugly, petty and mean.  It may also preserve the company you work for.  Instead of avoiding politics, network.  Through building a network you will find out who to worry about and who to avoid. Politics always includes networking.  Networking can help you rise above petty politics.  Networking can help you get your projects done.

Something To Do Today

If you dare, ask around.  Find out who the political masters are.  Ask them to lunch and find out why they got their reputation and power.  You may be surprised at their attitude.  They may be visionary, vindictive, or both.


Tomorrow: Your scarcest resource

Later:  Short term rewards

What motivates me

Waiting for the “help wanted” sign

Blackmail your boss?

Progress always involves risk, you can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first base. (Frederick Wilcox)

While I worked at EDS a man quit three different times.  Twice he actually left the building and went to work for someone else for a week or two.  He resigned but let his boss know he didn’t want to leave and could be enticed to stay or return.  Each time his boss finally gave him the raise and promotion he wanted. It was blackmail, pure and simple.

By the way, what do you think it did to morale?  Well, everyone started saying, “I’ll have to quit to get a raise or a promotion.”  Some just quietly started looking for another job, never to come back.

So blackmail works. Right?  Sort of.  If you want to work for a company where you have to threaten your boss, yes it works.

Try something a little different.

Get together proof that you deserve a raise.  Put together a dynamite resume that is a list of accomplishments.  Assume your boss knows your responsibilities.  Make a list of provable accomplishments.  Put together a portfolio if you can.  Do a salary survey.  Make sure you believe in it and can prove it.  Get 5 people to write references saying how well you do your job.

With this project you have gathered proof that your boss would hire you for more than he is paying you now.  Go present the proof to your boss and put it in those terms.  Tell him he would have to pay more to hire a replacement, so please pay me more right now. Don’t threaten to quit.  Give him a chance to do the right thing.  No blackmail.

See what he says.  Give him a month or two to come up with a raise and promotion.  If you don’t get it, go ask your boss, again, what he intends to do.  Don’t threaten or plead.  Just find out his intentions.

If he’s not moving, use all that material you gathered to look for a new job.  Don’t blackmail your boss.  Give him a real opportunity to reward you.  If he won’t give you what you deserve, look for a new job. Don’t look back.

Something To Do Today

Start your employment upgrade project.


Tomorrow:     I just quit and my old boss wants me back!

Quit or be fired?

A genius’ resume – Leonardo da Vinci

Even Leonardo da Vinci needed to look for a job.

Here’s the resume and story of one part of his job search.

How to motivate your friends to help you find a great job

Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with enthusiasm.  (Winston Churchill)

Would you recommend someone for a job if you were sure they would fail miserably?

Do you want to work with someone who is unable to deal with problems?

No one else does either.

On the other hand, it is fun working with someone who is trying to learn, who goes the extra mile on the job, and who wants to do what they have studied.

If you are excited by your possibilities, your friends will be also. That’s how you motivate your friends, be excited.  For example:

We place a lot of programmers in new jobs.  The ones who are so excited that they create programs in their spare time always find jobs.  It doesn’t matter if they ever went to college.  Their enthusiasm gets them jobs. They love programming.  Employers love them. Everyone who knows them is going to bat for them.  People they don’t know call them up to see if they can help them find a job.  Their enthusiasm is contagious.

On the other hand are programmers who took courses in programming in college.  They passed their courses. Programming doesn’t excite them. It’s just a job. If their college degree can’t get them a job in programming, they’ll never look at a computer again.  For them there is nothing exciting.  Their friends and contacts hear them complaining about the jobs they supposedly turned down.  There is no way they are going to get a strong recommendation for a job.  Sure enough, the job market stinks for them.

Motivate your friends.  Find out what is exciting about the jobs you are applying for.  Do the job for free for a charity.  If you are a computer technician, go looking for broken computers and tear them apart.  Put together a network in your basement. Offer to teach at your library or a nursing home.  Salesperson? Do what my partner did, became a charity “hit woman”.  Get the job of calling on businesses for donations.  You will talk to a lot of leaders of industry.  And guess what?  If you do a good job, they’ll be impressed.  Your friends, family and acquaintances will see what you are doing.  They’ll tell other people.

Be excited.  Do your job for free because you love it. Help others and demonstrate your love of your desired job.  You will motivate your friends and mere acquaintances to help you.

Something To Do Today  

Really evaluate how you have been acting.  Are you a member of the “beef and whine club”?   Find something you enjoy doing that is related to the job you want.  Do it with enthusiasm for free.