Category Archives: Attitude

How to get your pay above $125K

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable man persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. (George Bernard Shaw)

I talked in depth with salespeople earning over $200,000 per year.  I asked, “How did you get into the position where you won’t even consider taking a base salary under $100,000?”

The answer is very simple he said, “It is all in how you position yourself.”

I talk with accountants, programmers, managers, salespeople, engineers, and others every day who would never take less than $100K.  Others doing similar jobs can’t conceive of earning over $40K.

The difference is that the well paid people are always trying to develop the skills and experiences that are rare.  One salesman said, “I’m highly paid because of who I can get in to see.  I can talk to people in research laboratories and CFO’s of companies all across America.  I know how to get their attention and sell to them.  In Philadelphia there are thousands of salespeople who sell well in Philadelphia, but can’t or won’t sell in New York or Boston.  If you are competing with a thousand salespeople for that Philadelphia only job, guess what?  You may think you are worth $200K, but there are at least 500 other people willing to do it for $50K-$80K.  You will never get paid $200K because you have positioned yourself wrong.  Too many salespeople have positioned themselves to sell in Philadelphia for $50K.”

The same applies to computer programmers, managers, accountants, and even call center technicians.  I know a lot of people earning over $100K because they have looked at their business carefully for years.  They constantly ask, “Why is Joe earning more than me?  What jobs are paying big bucks?  What do I have to do to get there?”

First you need to position yourself at entry level so you can get experience. Then you have to see where the rare talent is.  What are people doing that earns them the money you want to earn.  Then you need to educate yourself, volunteer to help on projects, and get involved in decision making.  Eventually you will work up to the rarefied air of the best paid people in your field.

So how are you positioning yourself?  How will you be positioned next year?

Something To Do Today            

Make a list of 5 people who are doing what you want to do and earning what you want to earn.

Now go invite each one to lunch.  Whether they accept your invitation or not, ask them for help.  Ask them how you can join the rarefied company at their level.

A Korean Attitude

I don’t mind an eight hour day, as long as it’s only once a week.  (Unknown)

Working as the night desk clerk at a hotel, my daughter got to know some interesting people.  A group of Koreans were staying at the hotel while taking English classes.  They were required to come up with words of wisdom from an American each day for the class to talk about.

One of the Koreans asked my daughter for help.  The quote she gave him is,

Now, if you trust in yourself and believe in your dreams and follow your star, you’ll still be beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things and weren’t so lazy“  (Terry Pratchett, “Wee Free Men”)

It was perfect for the Koreans, because that is the attitude they are raised with from the cradle.  There is a lot to be said for it. That attitude raised South Korea from a bombed out third world country to a major economic force in one generation. Well, it did if you add the fact that they had a dream and followed their star.

I’m strongly in favor of dreaming and following your star.  Just remember, you’ll be beaten every time if you spend most of your time dreaming.


And, yes, I do know Terry Pratchett is English and not American.  The Koreans didn’t know that.


How to make stress your friend

Okay, severe stress can be your friend.  Check this link out.

I am extremely grateful for this video.

You have to give me a job – the scariest phrase I hear

How would you react to a candidate who said, “You have to give me a new job.  I am seriously considering suicide.”

I deal with that problem for real, literally.  Forgive me, please, all of you suicide counselors, but I react the same way to that statement as I do to a threat on my life.  The people who make that comment are a threat to me, my family, and my job. We have literally locked the front door of the office when worried about someone who made that comment.

You tend to infect people with your attitude.  We locked the door because we were physically scared.  Of course, we didn’t physically expect to get infected, but becoming psychologically infected is worse than a physical problem.  When your mind is infected with hopelessness and negativity it takes a lot of work and treatment to become employable.

Nowadays men lead lives of noisy desperation. (James Thurber)

There are ways to change your attitude.  If it really is caused by your job, you may want to quit right now.  The trouble is that most of the time the job does not cause the attitude, and quitting may make it worse.

What you need to do is grab a book that helps you change that attitude. Go to Amazon and under books search for “attitude”.  I like to get samples of the books delivered electronically to find out if I really want to buy them.  You can get a Kindle reader for your PC just for that purpose.

No one has to give you a job.  You have to earn a job.  Figure out what you can do to have an attitude that someone else wants to get infected with. Work at it. Get a book or get a counselor.


Something To Do Today

Check out two books on changing your attitude from the library.  One interesting one is “Learned Optimism”.  There are a lot of books that can help.


Later:             Inferiority


Networking facts

How to get your boss to focus on production, not hours.

Accomplishing the impossible means only that the boss will add it to your regular duties. (Doug Larson)

“If I stay late and am only filing microfiche, I’m being more productive than you.  Bryan, you need to put in more hours.” That is how my manager convinced me he knew nothing about productivity. I also learned what he valued the most – hours of work.

The only way to change that attitude

I didn’t consciously set out to break my manager of that mindset.  I should have. It cost me real money in lowered reviews and salary because I refused to work more hours unless there was a real need.

To fix your boss, you have to find out what hurts him.  Find out what will get HIM outstanding reviews.  If he is only evaluated on hours worked, you have to fix HIS boss.  If he gets evaluated on projects finished, revenue increases, innovation, customer complaints, referrals to the sales department, or any other factor, then you at least have a chance at changing his mind.  Ask him.  Ask his boss. Listen to what he complains about other than hours worked.

Now start tracking your performance in the areas he is evaluated on.  See if you can figure out how to help improve HIS performance reviews.  Make sure you document how bad things are, so you can prove how much you help.

Start giving your boss weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual evaluations of your own performance.  Show him what you are doing that benefits him the most.  You would be surprised how concentrating on you boss’s career can help your own. Reminding your boss weekly of how you are helping him get a raise will change your own reviews and increase your earnings.


Something To Do Today

If you don’t have a job journal, start one.  It can be a three ring binder or a spiral notebook.  It doesn’t matter.  Start tracking your job performance.  And start writing down all the things your boss seems to be the most worried about.

This Friday you can turn in that first report to him.  He will say, “What’s this?”  You can reply, “I spent a couple of minutes putting together a list of things I accomplished this week.  I thought it might help when you are deciding on my next raise or promotion.”

How do you get started in a new profession?

This is a short video about how to become a journalist, politician, salesperson, accountant, programmer, etc.  It is a great real life example of how to become what you want to be.

Do you know how many engineers do NOT have a degree?  I have a bunch of them in my database.  Accountants, CFO’s, and Controllers without a college degree?  I know managers in CPA firms who do not have an accounting degree, much less a CPA.

Oh yes, I almost forgot.  How many people got a degree and can’t get a job in their field?  I get many of those resumes every single day.  Watch this video to see how one person got started.

“How everyone else sees you” is a lie. Do this.

Facing a mirror you see merely your own countenance; facing your child you finally understand how everyone else has seen you.  (Daniel Raeburn)

“How everyone else sees you” is a lie.  

It’s a lie. “How EVERYONE else sees you” never existed for anyone. It is a lie.

Jesus Christ, Mohammed, and Buddha are each venerated, worshiped and hated by millions. Each of them had a very consistent personality.  Each had integrity.  Do you really expect everyone to see YOU one way when the world cannot agree on how it sees these 3 major figures?

Manage the perception of the people you care about.

If everyone is going to see you differently anyway, then you need to worry less about the people who are less important.  It matters how the taxi driver and the restaurant waiter think of you, but you should care a lot more about how your child and spouse think of you.  You may want to impress your boss one way, your colleagues another, and the coach of the opposing Little League Baseball team another way.  And everyone is going to be all mixed up together at times.

So first decide how the most important people should see you.  Then decide how, in addition, you want others to see you.

I don’t want you to have a split personality.  I want you to figure out your primary roles and excel at them.  You have to dress, work and react one way to become a manager, a different way to be a sales star, and another way to become a technical guru.  It is just a fact.  You have to worry about impressing different people in different ways for each role.  If you try to be a different person to everyone, you will be called a hypocrite, chameleon and a fool. If you figure out how to live all the time so that you impress the most important people the way you want to, and also get along with everyone else, you have the seeds of greatness in you.  That greatness will be the greatness YOU want.

How everyone else sees you is important, but impossible to manage.  Figure out how you want the most important people to see you and work on that first.  Then let everyone else figure out who you are.

Something to do today

Make a list of the most important people:

1. Coworkers

2. Your managers

3. Your subordinates

4. Friends outside of work

5. Yourself

6. Family

Write down how you want them to see you.  What do you want them to perceive?


Coming up

The difference between fertilizer and ****

6 things to do to go from WalMart wages to Tiffany’s wages

Are you paid like you work at WalMart, Target, or Tiffany’s jewelry store?

You have to decide what your value will be.  WalMart prices may be the only thing that get you a job the way you are.  With a little work you may be worth more. If you can polish yourself up from a diamond in the rough to a brilliant cut diamond, you may just make it to the world of Tiffany’s custom jewelry.

Some things you can do to earn Tiffany’s wages are:

1. Education and certifications

2. Build a reputation through publishing and public speaking

3. File a patent or two

4. Track how much money you make or save your company

5. Lead a very profitable group at work

6. Work for an elite company

After you are a diamond worthy of Tiffany’s, you have to demand to be paid like one.  But don’t worry, there will be people calling you every month with a new job offer if you really are ready for Tiffany’s.

Something to do today

Do you want more money?  Figure out how the very highly paid people in your field are different from you.  Write out a plan to become like them. If you don’t know what they did, call them up and ask them.


Coming up

How everyone else sees you

The difference between fertilizer and ****

Give up and go elsewhere when things are bad

I found a great job for someone and was told”

“If I leave, deliveries will stop, sales will stop, and a lot of people will be out of work. I’m going to have to turn down this job.  I owe it to my boss and coworkers to see them through these hard times.”

Is this you? What’s next?  Layoffs 3 weeks later.  Suddenly it really is self sacrifice because you are laid off.  And you may lose the house too.

First secure an independent income, then practice virtue. (Greek proverb)

I am not saying to abandon ship when you are needed.  I am saying that you must be aware of what really is happening.  You finding a new job may free up enough money to save another person’s job.  The shock of your resignation may be what finally gets through to the big boys that things are going badly.  Sometimes a company is going bankrupt no matter how heroic everyone is. Reality is not always what you think it is.

When business is bad it taints your whole outlook.  You see problems everywhere.  In your distorted world, no business can be thriving.  You are wrong.  Some are growing.  Don’t be afraid to join them. I guarantee that you are replaceable. If not, the problems are so severe you should leave anyway.

There is an alternative. A while ago I was talking to an accountant at a company that was in bankruptcy.  He said, “I am earning more money than ever before.”  They REALLY couldn’t afford to lose him, so they gave him bonuses and guarantees. If you are the hero, make sure you are compensated and protected.

When business looks bad, it may be time to leave.  Don’t let the lens of self sacrifice or fear fool you.  Many times what is best for you, leaving, is also best for the company. If you really are indispensable, get paid and protected for it.  If they might fire you for asking to get paid for your risk, you are not indispensable.

Something to do today

Is business bad?  Find someone you trust who has business experience.  Talk with them about whether you should stay where you are or find a new job.  You may just need an outsider’s perspective.


Coming up

How to ruin a phone interview

Start a new job excellently

New and better or cheaper

How everyone else sees you

The difference between fertilizer and ****

Dangers and rewards in the Fortune 50

A Fortune 50 Executive said it was one of the more difficult times of his life.  He was in charge of identifying 2000 MBA’s in their organization who would receive layoff notices in December.  These were dedicated workers from top schools who were earning fat salaries.  They were putting in long hours on important projects, sure their futures were secure.  Just before Christmas they would get their pink slips.  Their lives would shatter.

Of course he had been on that same track and made it past middle management.  He was actually going to be well rewarded that year.  He was dramatically cutting costs.  His bonus was tied to how heavily he slashed employees.  It was tough, but every person fired was a little more gravy for him. He was earning more than he could have at any mid-sized company.

The rewards are great, but so are the risks in the Fortune 50.

Most of those huge companies are divided up into groups and divisions so that they run a lot like a mid-sized company with strong financial backing.  That does provide stability and a chance to be part of a high risk/high reward project.  However, all that strong financial backing can disappear when 3/4ths of the company has a bad year.  Then out come the knives.  The most profitable divisions also have job cuts at those times.

Just last month I was talking with my son about the Fortune 50 company he is working for that is cutting folks at a division with a 50% profit margin and high growth rate.  Sometimes it seems odd.  There is always a good reason somewhere when they do something like that.

Is it better to work for a mid-sized or small company?  No one knows.  That’s because no one knows the future.  I’m sure that at least half of those 2000 MBA’s went to mid-sized and small companies after they were cut loose.  Their experience and education got them all new jobs within 6 months or a year.

When you get a chance to work for a huge company, remember the risks as well as the rewards.  There is no free ride.  Reward and risk always go together. Don’t forget the rewards of experience as well as the money, or the risks that come with being part of an organization where you are an expendable replaceable cog.

Something to do today

Look at your own job stability.  How subject are you to layoffs not related to your area’s performance?


Coming up

Scrabble and muck and get ahead

When to give up and go elsewhere


And a final thought about the same question and the government

You will find that the State is the kind of organization which, though it does big things badly, does small things badly too.  (John Kenneth Galbraith)