Category Archives: Training

Why worry about a degree? An advanced degree?

Dinosaur Jim was a professor of dinosaurs at BYU and he only earned a high school diploma.  He discovered more earth shattering fossils than any other man alive.  He published unbelievable finds.  Finally he was awarded an honorary PhD.  They built a large building just for his incredible fossil collection.

You can get ahead without a college degree.  To do it in the university or corporate world you have to be twice as good as the best guy with his university papers.

Let’s see, there is Michael Dell and Bill Gates.  They dropped out of college.  The guy who founded Wendy’s dropped out of high school.  Everyone knows those three.  You can probably name a few more very successful people who did not finish their education but became rich.  With luck you will name one person, who did not start the company himself, who rose to lead a major company without a college degree.  Many who started into their careers without a degree went back and got their degrees at night or dropped out for a few years to get an MBA.

Education is a foundation for people climbing the corporate ladder

I’m not saying you have to get a college degree.  However, you have to be twice as good as the college graduate in order to compete in upper management job hunting.  That is just a fact of life.  And a Bachelor’s 4 year degree is worth a whole lot more than an Associate’s 2 year degree.  Banks love MBA’s.  Technical companies love Masters Degrees and PhD’s.

It may be hard to get your college degree now.  Part time education for years is not appealing to many people.  And you don’t have to do it.  But building the foundation at this point in your career will be easier than building it 5 years from now.  Here’s why: you are being evaluated every day at work for a move up the career ladder.  Like it or not, you are the guy without a degree, MBA or engineering degree.  People say it and know it.  It can be positive if you are the best guy in the company and everyone knows it.  Otherwise, it is already killing your career. Every time managers compare you to another employee they mention it.

Think about it.  If you want to climb the corporate ladder, a degree will help.

Something to do today

Unless you have a PhD, check out how you can get another degree part-time. What can it hurt to just find out?


Later:                           Crow is best served…

The 2 biggest internet job site scams

A banking jobs website salesman called my partner one day.  They have the best, the greatest, the most useful banking jobs website ever.  They want us to have all of our candidates put their resumes up on their website.  Then any employer can pay a fee, find the resumes, and hire the candidates.  There are a whopping 175 resumes in the database. It is useless for anyone to go there.  Don’t waste your time putting your resume on that website.


Wasting your time online is the biggest internet job site scam. Many sites sell hope, and not results, ever.

Natives who beat drums to drive off evil spirits are objects of scorn to smart Americans who blow horns to break up traffic jams.  (Mary Ellen Kelly)

You need to talk to people.  Your resume only has one job, to get you an interview.  If you can call up a company and talk to a real person who might tell you to come in for an interview, that’s the best use of your time.


One other job site scam is the high fee “We’ll help you find a job” website.  I have nothing against legitimate resume preparation companies.  Someone who helps you prepare for interviews for a fee is fine.  Resume rabbit will post your resume on 75 websites for a small fee.  Companies that send your resume to 10,000 companies do a service, even if it is mostly useless.  The problem is with companies that will charge you $5,000 or $20,000 for those services.  Sorry, that’s where I draw the line.  So, let me give you some guidelines on top fees you should pay.  Paying a fraction of these fees for great service is common. This is the MOST you should pay, ever.

  • Resume preparation:   $800
  • Resume posting to jobsites $150
  • Interview coaching: $150 per hour
  • Mass resume blasts to employers: a few hundred dollars

Consider the internet a helper in your job search.  Your goal is to talk to people who can hire you.  You can’t do that on the internet yet.

Something to do today

Call a potential employer or recruiter today.  Talk to someone.


Later:               Should relocation be an option?

What a spouse is good for

Job hunting on the job

Salt in the wound

Eagles don’t flock?

Has your brain stopped?

GM and Ford are laying off workers.  The layoffs include production line, engineering and management workers. IBM has layoffs every year, even when they are expanding.  State and federal governments have layoffs. The military has layoffs.

You are only safe if you feed that organ between your ears… your brain.

One of my candidates got tired of having to upgrade his computer skills every 3 or 4 years so he studied massage therapy.  Several candidates are getting their MBA’s.  I push everyone to get certifications in their field.  One of my candidates is a soldier in Iraq, and even he is able to continue his training.

Many people think their brain can stop when they graduate from high school or college.  These people have totally missed the meaning of the “Commencement Ceremony.”  Commencement means the beginning, not the end.  It is the time to really start learning.  It is the opening of broad new vistas of opportunities.

Oprah Winfrey said that the most important decision she ever made was to read two books each week.  She could stop working today and retire with the 100’s of millions of dollars she has earned.  Instead, she keeps on learning.  Because she keeps on learning, she keeps on being interesting to watch on TV.

I know a rodeo cowboy, a pro bull rider, who always impressed me.  She kept learning new skills, and even got into law school.

Are you still feeding your brain or did it stop working as soon as you left school?

Something to do today

Decide on a plan to learn something fun and something useful.  They may be the same thing.  Get started.


Later:               It’s the manager’s fault

The boomer brain drain has started

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. (Thomas Edison)

Depending on exactly where you set the line, the baby boomers started retiring around 2010.  They are also starting to have heart attacks at an increasing rate.  Someone has to take their place.

This is an incredible opportunity to advance like a rocket in your career.

Planning, thinking, dreaming, and creating is critical now.  Now is the time to prepare.

Someone is going to be changing the bedpans for the baby boomers.  Others are going to be taking their money and making them happy.  A whole bunch of people are going to take top management positions as the older executive workforce churns into retirement.

Now is the time to get that certification, MBA, college education or Vo-tech class out of the way.

Do you want to get lucky?  Prepare!  Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.

Something to do today

Take some time off and dream.  What do you want to be STARTING in 5 years?  Where do you want that start to lead you 5 years after that?  Write down what you need to do to prepare for what you will start in 5 years.


Later:              Not 12 seconds, it is 5.7 seconds

The quickest, surest way to become a superstar

An ex-NFL football player told me how he got to the big league.  He chose a player he wanted to be just like.  Then he learned to hold his hands just like him.  He placed his feet just like his hero.  He ran like his hero.  He exercised like his hero.  He did everything he could to play football just like his hero.  He started in 9th grade football and continued through college.  He made it into the NFL.

When I met him in Denver, he was a couple of years into a new career selling real estate.  He was doing the same thing.  He picked one of the best real estate salesmen in Denver and was doing exactly what the new hero did.  Once again he was becoming a superstar.

There’s a hint there.  Find someone who is successful at what you want to do.  Become like them.  If they do something, you do it.

One more thing.  Watch very carefully what your hero does NOT do.  What does he avoid?  What does he refuse to do?  Too many people try to become a success doing the things that a successful person refuses to do.

If you want to be a millionaire, I suggest you read one or two books by Thomas Stanley.  The Millionaire Next Door is a bunch of stories about how millionaires became millionaires.  The Millionaire Mind has some stories, but also takes a statistical approach.  It tells what first generation millionaires do, as a group, to get their money.

Better yet, find a millionaire to personally learn from.

Do you want to be a Partner, CEO, CFO, CIO, or Project Manager?  Find the best example you can, and do everything the way they do.  Invite them to lunch. Ask them what they would do in your shoes.  Become just like them at work.

Hero, mentor, example.  Find one so you can become one.

Something to do today

Find your mentor and example.  Learn to work just like they do.


Later:              But this isn’t an interview

Whistle while you work

Hustle while you wait

The $5 call girl

Where to fish

What to do if your job is outsourced to California or China

If you took all the economists in America and laid them end to end from Los Angeles to New York City, they would each point in a different direction.

I heard an economist say that every time a Walmart opens in a community, that the number of jobs increases and the average pay for each job increases.  He also said that outsourcing jobs to China increases high paying jobs and wages in the USA.  The real problem is that whatever happens in the long run, in the short run people get hurt.

Here in Harrisburg, PA some high paying jobs were outsourced to California, where it costs even more to get work done.  How can that be economical?

The economist worries me much less than the jobs moving to California. Why would someone move jobs to a high cost location?  I can understand being cheap and moving them to China or Walmart.

What really happened is that companies were merging in the software field.  The one in Harrisburg, PA was not competing effectively.  Their product was looking old, slow and not very flexible.  The CA company was winning the sales game, but there were a lot of customers who wouldn’t move off the old PA platform.  The CA company bought the PA company to get the customers.  The owners of the PA company were glad they didn’t have to run their company into the ground.  The customers were pleased because they were getting a better support organization and the chance to move to the new platform. Everyone won except the workers in PA. They had to find new jobs.

They did find new jobs.  It is 12 years later. Everyone I knew in that company is now working on newer technology and earning more.

There is nothing in business as intensely fertile as an American company getting trounced by another American company. In the dying company everyone looks at their contribution to their own demise.  They then use what they learned to compete against higher paid workers.  New skills are learned.  New jobs are created.

In every dying company there are some people who re-train themselves early on and leave for better jobs.  When the old company dies, the rest of the workers then re-train or retire.  The people who re-train themselves early are better off.  They are earning more money much earlier.  They are also prepared to step away from their job into a better paying one if their job is outsourced to China or Walmart.

Doesn’t it make sense for you to constantly be re-training yourself?  Be prepared for the changes in the economy.  Someone is going to earn more and be more secure.  Shouldn’t it be you?

Something to do today

Write your accomplishments in your job journal.  Remember, your boss doesn’t really know what you do all day.  Give him a report.


Next:   Prove it

Later:              The last thing you say in an interview

Are you eating the seed corn in your job?

The first winter in Plymouth Colony killed a third of the Pilgrims.  During that winter one of my ancestors was caught eating the seed corn.  He knew the whole colony would fail if the seed corn disappeared, but he talked himself into eating it anyway.  I’m glad he was caught.  I’m glad he learned.

Every job is the seed of your next job, even if you are changing fields entirely.  Your future boss will be looking back at your accomplishments, drive, leadership and enthusiasm for your current job.

When you decide to sit back and relax at your job, you eat your seed corn.  No one wants to hire an “average” person.  They want to hire a superstar, or at least a hard worker.

Figure out how to make a difference.  How can YOU make the company more profitable?  Is there some way you can prove you are above average?

When I was doing janitorial work at 4 a.m. every morning, I excelled.  I only missed 2 days in a school year and I called in advance for those.  I did my entire job no matter how tired I was.  That work got me promoted to the afternoon shift.  It was a lot nicer. The early morning job was the seed of my next job, and that was the seed of the next.

Don’t relax.  Be at least above average.  It will be the seed corn for your next job.  And invest some of the money you earn to get training.  Use it as seed corn.

Something to do today

Be honest. Are you sliding by?

List what makes you above average.  Put it on your resume.

List what makes you below average.  Eliminate it.


Tomorrow:     Bill Gates’ momma

17 non- obvious signs your company is in trouble – The tsunami is coming

Some signs of company trouble are easy to ignore.  They aren’t obvious signs of trouble.  They can even look like progress.

In the great Indian Ocean tsunami some people survived because they knew the signs of a tidal wave of disaster waiting to happen.  They had learned, “When the sea retreats far past the beach, run for the high ground.  It will soon come roaring back.”  It is a natural occurrence before a tsunami.

Job disasters have signs of impending doom like the tsunami causing water to retreat from the shore.  Think about it.  What happens before a car plant closes down entirely?  Work is cut back.  Minor layoffs occur.  Sales are obviously dropping.  Cars stay on dealer lots for longer and longer.  Rebates and special incentives are used to sell cars.  Managers, supervisors and foreman are laid off.  Finally the plant closing is announced.

An old Thai proverb says,

At high tide fish eat ants.  At low tide ants eat fish.  (Thai proverb)

A healthy company succeeds by doing effectively what a dying company struggles unsuccessfully to do over and over.

Signs of doom I have seen where I worked included:

  • A new quality program annually.
  • No more flowers sent to funerals of workers and their family members.
  • Business travel cut backs.
  • On the job training cut back to “just in time” training.
  • Payments for outside tuition cut back.
  • Technology innovation specialists moved back into production jobs.
  • Promised bonuses cut back or not paid.
  • Refusal to let employees transfer to other areas in the company.
  • Relocation expense reimbursement eliminated.
  • Sudden personal interest in the workers by the company president and chairman.
  • Empowerment training during declining markets.
  • Not replacing people who quit.
  • Reorganizing more and more often.
  • Stock price dropping.
  • Replacement of salespeople at a quick clip.
  • A frenzy of competitor acquisitions.
  • A sudden focus on getting “good press” or being in trade publications.

When you see the signs of impending problems, you may still have years to prepare.  Or you may have days.  The important thing is to start preparing without being part of the problem.  Take positive steps in your own sphere of influence.

When the water retreats from the shoreline, it may look like a great time to go out and pick up the fish left behind.  When your boss is sacked, it may seem like the perfect time to get into management. And it may be true.  But be careful and look for signs that a tsunami is coming to wash your whole company away.


Later I will talk about how businessmen in India cope with far worse problems than Americans can even begin to understand, and do it with a smile.

Something to do today

Draw a line down the middle of a sheet of paper.  On the left put signs of company strength, reasons for optimism.  On the right put a list of troubling signs of decline.  Now pick how you can help accentuate the positive or eliminate the negative.  Not only will your actions help your company, they will insulate you from layoffs and prepare you for a new job.


Tomorrow:     Businessmen from India

50 job hunting tips from recruiters

Need a job? Recruiters see every possible mistake, and some unusually successful ploys.

Here are 50 job hunting tips from good recruiters.

How to stop foreigners from stealing YOUR job

In 2007 the country that lost the most jobs to cheap labor markets was China.  No, it was not the USA.  Manufacturing plants are moving out of China at a record breaking speed.  They are moving into China even faster, it is true.  But, China is not the cheapest place on the globe for low skilled labor. Outsourcing is a huge problem in China, the USA, and India.

I compete every day with people living in India.  More and more recruiting is being done in India.  They aren’t stealing jobs, they are taking advantage of their skills and work ethic.  Am I frightened?  A little.  So far I am much better skilled than they are, but that may change.  I’m going to continue to work like crazy to stay ahead.  I’m going to help others do the same.

Play to your strengths is my motto.  My strengths are:

  1. I communicate well
  2. People trust me
  3. I am a technology geek and quick learner
  4. Connecting unrelated things is natural for me
  5. I get things done

Your strengths are different.  These are my deepest skills.  What are yours?  You need to know what they are to stay ahead.

Foreigners will always want to steal your job.  Someone in your city will also be applying to your company to steal your job.  If you earn one dollar above the minimum your company pays, one of your coworkers wants to steal your job. Get used to it.

Figure out your greatest strengths, improve them, and stay ahead.

Something to do today

List your greatest strengths.  Don’t put down what you learned most recently.  Don’t put down your job description.  Why do people want YOU to be the person doing your job?


Tomorrow:           The tsunami is coming