Tag Archives: network

How to connect your job search

Google puts first things first. They figured out how to rank pages by how they are connected. They put the page that will be the most useful to you at the top of your list. That saved so much time that people abandoned the other search engines. 

Connecting web pages is a simple concept. A web page links to my website. Another site links to that first web page. Now, all three are connected.  

There are simple and complex strategies to being ranked highly by Google. All of them are forms of networking. The two most common strategies are: 1) you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours, and 2) become the expert.

You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours

You offer to list their web page on yours if they list your web page on theirs. That way you both get a lot of recognition.

It works in job hunting, too. Although it’s not as simple as with websites, the basic idea is to help as many people as you can, and they will help you. 

Getting articles published in trade journals is one example. There are literally thousands of local, state, regional and national associations and publications that need authors. Call up one and tell them you want to write an article. Local newsletters are especially useful. If you do a great job, they’ll publish it. The people who get those newsletters will then consider you an expert. They may just call you to help them with a question. They may offer you a job.

If you have something interesting to say, and already know you are a good speaker, contact your chamber of commerce and get on their speaker list. If you would like to be a great speaker, contact Toastmasters. I know there is a club near you. Go to https://www.toastmasters.org/. They are the best speaker trainers in the country.

Become the expert

When you are the expert, everyone seeks to be connected to you. You can get to be known as an expert by getting certifications or doing consulting work. 

Certifications are available for almost every field: sales, HR, accounting, real estate management, security, law, computers, etc. Often hirers search resume databases for the certifications and assume a good person will be attached to them.

Consulting work can really mean just getting a temporary job in the field. If you are unemployed, you have little to lose. Contact all the temporary staffing agencies and ask them if they place people with your skills on temp jobs as well as permanent ones. If they don’t, ask them who does. I was surprised that there is a market for temporary doctors in Antarctica, temporary electrical linemen in Alaska, and temporary environmentalists in Butte, Montana.

Figure out how to get connected to as many people as possible. It is a Google job search method that gets you in front of the competition. It could eliminate all your competition. 

Something to do today

Make a list of ways other people have connected to you in your job, even people who you might not have worked with directly. Track down how they got connected to you. Think of ways you can use that to connect with more people.

The 100% easiest network

The absolute easiest job search networking tool is one of the least used.

To network, you have to communicate.  To communicate comfortably you have to have a reason.  The most overlooked reason is to say, “Thank you.”

Do you think this is too easy?  Do too many people do it?  When was the last time you received a thank you note?  When was the last time you sent a thank you note?

The hardest part at first is noticing things you can be thankful for.  Did someone help you directly?  Indirectly?  Did you get an answer you needed?  Is there a leader who has shaped your industry?  Did someone give your friend some help?  Did someone just talk to you on the phone?

Long, flowery notes are NOT necessary, and actually less helpful. Some people take a long “thank you” as shameless self promotion.  A one line thank you by email or on paper is all that is necessary.  So few people send a thank you note, that you will stand out no matter how short the message.

Keep track of everyone you send a thank you to.  Write it in the networking section of your job journal.

All men are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality. (King)

Now is the time to build your network.  The receptionist at any company will give you either a mailing address or an email address.  You know how to write.  Write one thank you note every day.  Start now.


Something To Do Today

Send a thank you note on paper or through email.  See if you can send 5.


Tomorrow:     Scissors for jobs

Later:              100% exposed job networking

Double your chances after an interview

Linked in

The international manager roundtable method of getting a job.

How to close an interview

Giving 30 seconds away can get you a job

Giving away 30 seconds to get a job may seem like a no-brainer.  The trouble is that few people do it.  You have to think about it.  Here is how it works.

 One college fundraising drive was also an experiment.  The fundraisers went into the dormitory common area where there were students.  Half the time they just asked for donations.  The other times they came and handed out soft drinks as they asked for donations.  The trips with the soft drinks raised several times more money.  The secret is giving something away before you ask for help.

Give 30 seconds away.

Your time and attention are your most valuable possessions.

The greatest secret of top salesmen is: establish a relationship before you sell yourself.  Break your target person out of their rut before you sell yourself. Start by spending 30 seconds talking about them.  Few people can resist trying to help someone who has given them 30 seconds of rapt attention.

Ask a question and then listen.   “How is your day going so far?  How many of these interviews do you do in a day?  You must be worn out by now, how do you keep a fresh attitude?  Is that a picture of your dog?  My kids were crazy this morning, do you think it was just the weather?  How did you learn to do this job?”

It takes practice.  Get the book, How To Win Friends And Influence People, by Dale Carnegie.  Read and apply one chapter a day. It will make people smile when you enter the room.  You’ll be memorable.  You will also enjoy meeting other people more than you ever have before.

Want a job?  You have to stand out from the crowd.  Give your most important possession away.  Give 30 seconds of your time and attention.  You will be fondly remembered by everyone you meet.  They will also really want to help you because you are a nice person.


Something To Do Today

Practice giving away 30 seconds with everyone you meet.

Later:  Beauty contest job openings and being memorable

The secret of Bill Gates’ momma – do you dare network?

Call it a clan, call it a network, call it a tribe, call it a family.  Whatever you call it, whoever you are, you need one.  (Jane Howard)

The secret of Bill Gates’ momma 

When Bill Gates was trying to sell a PC operating system to IBM, his mother was on a charity board.  The president of IBM was on the same board.  Was there a possible connection?  Sure.  I doubt Bill Gates’ momma got the deal for him, but I’m sure it helped.

An unemployed salesman asked me, “Can you help me find a job.  You know I’ve been looking for months.  What can I do?”

I didn’t have a job for him, so I asked him about his job search.  We talked about networking.  It turns out he already was in touch with some very influential people.  They even offered to introduce him to other leaders.  He was afraid to take their help.

This salesman had convinced himself that, despite what these leaders thought, he just wasn’t worth their time.  He didn’t feel comfortable networking at that level.  He couldn’t see a reason why they would help him.  Here is why they would help him:  That is what President’s do.  They help people succeed.  They are focused on it.  They spend all day thinking about helping others succeed. I put that salesman in a verbal headlock and got him to promise he would use the help he had already been offered.

Remember Bill Gates?  He sold a PC operating system to IBM that he did not create or own.  Bill Gates had gotten the right to sell it from the creator.  He outsold a guy who owned a demonstrably better operating system.  Bill Gates did it by using every string, every avenue and every potential aid he could find.  Lots of people wanted him to succeed, not just his mother.  He got everyone’s help he could.

Don’t be afraid to use every bit of help you can find to get your new job.  Others wouldn’t help you if they didn’t believe in you.  Now, believe in yourself.

Something to do today

Make a list of the most powerful and influential people you know.  Ask for help.  If they are in your current company, ask for help growing where you are.  If they are out of your company, ask for help finding a new job.  Go to the most powerful and influential first.

You are worth it.


Next:   “Safety First” and job ethics